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October 08, 2020

GMRS cheat sheet!

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January 28, 2021
Amcon Ohio, please read carefully.

I will NOT be shutting this page down and I will NOT be opening a Stripe account. What this means to you is, you may NOT be able to comment but you will be able to like, to see info and key things that could impact you daily, weekly or longer and it saves you a subscription.

I don't want to charge anyone for info. Here is the deal. I will continue to tap into my sources and post info as I get it. If you need to reach me, please tag me on the American Contingency page and we can interact there....if you have intel tag me on the American Contigency page and I will personally relay the info here with a link to that page an allow you to interact there and I will give you credit. If you are in Ohio and need guided to a certain area for training, etc I will do my best to put you in contact with someone who can help.

We will try this for now and if it doesn't work I have more options to try.

I recommend you plug in to if you haven't already.

Like this ...

January 25, 2021
American Contigency Q&A with Mike Glover

We have not made a decision where we are headed quite yet. You can receive info as of now but cannot engage. We are discussing our options for ALL Ohio groups as of now. Until then I will continue posting any intel or important info on the page. Thank you for your patience and please stay tuned for more information.

AL's please watch.

January 14, 2021
Amcon Ohio

There will be some changes happening to this page soon.

If you haven't migrated to your Area pages please do so.

The changes to this page will posting at a high level, involving Ohio and our best practices. This is in regards to protecting and aligning with our views as being our first response, to you, your families and your communities. Anyone that is inactive may see a departure from this group.

Please know that this is not about censorship but is geared toward our community and being able to adjust as things change. There are many outlets and this is just one.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


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